An Angel on My Shoulder



Charity Golf 2025

Your unwavering support for REACH Charity Golf in past years has been invaluable, enabling us to carry out our mission of uplifting vulnerable communities with

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Charity Dinner 2024

Dear friends of REACH Community Services, We are thrilled to extend to you a heartfelt invitation to our upcoming annual fundraising Charity Dinner, dedicated to

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An Angel on My Shoulder

Despite coming from a middle-class background and being well-supported by a loving family, Simon turned to a life of mischief. He was involved in petty crimes in his teens and dabbled in drugs, which eventually landed him in trouble. Simon took performance-enhancing drugs, which stemmed from his competitive nature and feeling the need to excel in everything he did.  Furthermore, the side effects resulted him in having a more aggressive behaviour.  

Fortunately, he was referred by an institution to REACH Youth, where he was enrolled in the REACH Youth Rehabilitation Programme. He was assigned a mentor who connects with him, checking in on him and keeping him on the straight and narrow. Simon enjoys the conversations with his mentor and feels thankful for the support, knowing that there are people willing to journey with him. He has also mended and built better relationships with his family members, who have been extremely supportive of his road to recovery. 

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