

Joy Leong


  • Master of Counselling (Advanced), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • Graduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology, College of Allied Educators
  • Clinical Member and Registered Counsellor under Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC)
  • Member of North America Transactional Analysis Association (NATAA) and Transactional Analysis Association Singapore (TAAS)
  • Attained the following certificates: Transactional Analysis 101, Transactional Analysis 202 Advanced TA Training, Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) & Trauma Level 1 & Level 2, Beyond Trauma 101 & 201, Emotionally Focused Therapy with Couples & Betrayal Trauma through an Attachment Lens, Multichannel Eye Movement Integration-I

At the crossroad of her career path years ago, Joy decided to pursue what has been persistently on her mind. Seeking a more lifelong fulfilling career, she took a leap of faith to leave the corporate world and has never looked back. Having diverse experiences in various industries for more than a decade, she has worked with vast groups of people from different backgrounds.

Adopting Person-Centered Therapy as her core fundamental, Joy believes that every individual has solutions to their personal challenges, and these would be discovered by the clients themselves by means of using an empathetic and empowering approach through integrative psychotherapy.

A firm believer that the way we think, feel and behave is strongly related to our childhood and upbringing which inevitably affects the way we interact, thus our relationships, Joy is passionate about working with individuals and couples who believes in enhancing relationships with themselves and with others, for more satisfying and fulfilling happy lives. Joy is also especially keen on working with youths, young adults and families