Our team of passionate social workers and volunteers partner with the community to provide in-care and aftercare rehabilitation support to young offenders through counselling, coaching and befriending services.
We are engaged in providing Post-Care Support for youths at the Singapore Boys’ Home (SBH), which aims to reinforce and sustain the work done (e.g. skills learnt, habits formed) during their in-care residential period. This programme also serves as a bridge linking them to community agencies that were introduced when they were at the SBH. This ensures that they remain crime-free and do not re-enter the criminal justice or care and protection system in the future.
We are also involved in the Prison Youth Outreach Programme, which is a volunteer programme born out of the need to increase and strengthen the support given to incarcerated youths in Singapore. Many of these youths come from complicated family backgrounds and are mostly deprived of positive social support and guidance.
We work with the Community Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) to provide structured rehabilitation activities to the clients in a residential setting. The involvement and the support of their families aid in their rehabilitation process. Our objective is to strengthen their family bonds and help them reintegrate into society upon successful completion of the rehabilitation activities. We also provide throughcare case management services after they have completed their residential phase in the CRC.
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