Recovering through a Safe Space



Charity Golf 2025

Your unwavering support for REACH Charity Golf in past years has been invaluable, enabling us to carry out our mission of uplifting vulnerable communities with

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Charity Dinner 2024

Dear friends of REACH Community Services, We are thrilled to extend to you a heartfelt invitation to our upcoming annual fundraising Charity Dinner, dedicated to

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Recovering through a Safe Space

A strong and career-minded woman, Bahar runs her own social media engagement business and manages a network of female entrepreneurs. However, she started to experience symptoms of anxiety, affecting her attitude and motivation towards her future. This led to her struggling with her self-esteem and insecurities, along with her worsening relationships with her friends. She sought help and was referred to REaCH Family service back in 2017, where she has been going through casework and counselling, and has since improved through learning healthy coping mechanisms. 

In 2021, Bahar started attending the groupwork programme, giving her a safe platform to share her vulnerabilities and learnings with others experiencing similar challenges, as well as learn practical ways of coping. The nature of the support group led to friendships formed, contributing to her journey of recovery. 

Her social worker witnessed that Bahar has developed a better ability and capacity to consider alternative perspectives when negative thoughts intrude, allowing her to take on a balanced view towards her own life’s difficulties. 

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